Our Technology

Stable Science Technologies

Each stability problem is unique and therefore almost always requires a customized solution. Stability problems are complex often involving oxidation, micro contamination free radical generation, heat, flavor and complex customer products. CDI discovered that stability is a multivariate problem not a univariate problem. Based on this requirement CDI developed a multimillion dollar high throughput array dedicated to stability that employs proprietary diagnostic products (PDPs) to measure micro-contamination, oxidation and free radical generation in oil based consumer products. Next, using the same array we combine multiple components from our proprietary stabilizing library (PSPs) of over 300 stabilizing components. Each component is GRaS listed and can be brought to the emulsion as either an aqueous or oil emulsion soluble formulation. We call this patented and proprietary process: Stability Science Technologies. 

CDI started (2009) by developing stabilizers in the highly regulated medical device markets. Our early customers needed safe solutions that could be implemented rapidly on a global scale. We learned early on that providing generic stabilizers would not solve our customer’s problems. Generic stabilizers were found to be only partial solutions (antioxidants). By themselves, individual stabilizers are necessary but not sufficient for product stability. CDI developed a new set of tools (proprietary diagnostic products, or PDPs) to identify each individual stability problem, but they had to work in parallel in the customer’s product. PDPs were developed at unique wavelengths to measure oxidation, micro contamination, free radical generation, enzyme activity and protease activity. PDPs have to be diagnostic (quantitative) in our customer’s products (like mayonnaise).

Processing is the next concern; stabilizers must often be added to the consumer products during processing. Stability problems are often born during raw material processing and cannot be solved through additions at later steps. This is why we customize the addition of the stabilizer for each solution to match current raw material processing and manufacturing.